Forums - Cable owns my doom blackheart team, help!!!! Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Cable owns my doom blackheart team, help!!!! ( Posted by jlepore on 04:28:2001 07:32 PM: my team is doom blackheart sentinel, everytime i play against anyone, especially a cable team, they eat my blackheart alive, what should i do to protect my blackheat and make my team more effective and not allow others to hurt my helpers, any help would be great, thanks. Posted by REALPLAYER on 04:28:2001 08:05 PM: Personally, I think Doom/BH gets owned by Cable, therefore I would use Sent/BH. With Sent, stay in air via flight mode while calling out Blacky and keep on stepping on Cable. Don't rely too heavily on the Sent/BH ground trap 'cause Cable can AHVB both of them. You can also try BH/Doom....short+Doom, short, sj, demons, airdash, demons, land, repeat. Whenever it looks like Cable can break the trap, Inferno XX HOD. Specifically what Cable teams are you having trouble with? Posted by jlepore on 04:28:2001 08:48 PM: reply i usually have trouble with teams like cable, capcom, iron man, i don't know why but iron man always seen to get blackheart when he jumps out, either with smart bombs or unibeam. I don't have any problems staying away with doom, it's just that blackheart always get whooped, maybe i need to get a new team with cable in it, would cable blackheart sentinel be a good team? Posted by cow on 04:29:2001 01:32 AM: i use doom blackheart alot... what u can do is psyche the cable out... alternate between regular and superjumps untill he either: a) superjumps b) stays on the ground... from here... doom has two option... either photon rain... or call in black heart and then super jump into photon rain... make sure your not on the same level of the sceen as cable... as to avoid the sadistic AHVB... basically as long as cable is underneath you... doom actually has a chance to win... still... realistically speaking... if u got a team filled with huge characters that taunt for an hour after their assit... a good cable will fry their ass Posted by Nate X Grey on 04:29:2001 03:50 PM: I don't think Cable owns Doom/BH. In fact... I think its the other way around. Doom just stays above Cable and drops photons all day and Cable dies. Don't call BH in predictable patterns so Cable won't know what to do. Sjing with Doom and air dashing upwards to throw photons works very nicely against Cable as most Cable users don't ever think of wavedashing under you and just try to beam you from full screen. If they get under you while you're in sj, try doing a hk to move a little to the other side then drop photons again. Photon array if he tries to do something dumb and if you can get in an air combo XX photon array, Cable is done for. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 04:29:2001 04:11 PM: Doom vs. Cable If your using Doom you don't wanna stay in front of Cable. Be either Below him or above him. Frankly above is the better choice. Doom totally owns most characters in the air, and his photon array is his trump card there. What you have to do is sj. and airdash upwards then you can photon array from way up the screen. Cable can't get there unless he has a Blackheart anti-air assist. Unless he has that assist or Cammy aaa, Ken aaa, I don't think he will be able to get to touch you. Be careful after the photo array though, Cable might go Commando on you and superjump before you and Ahvb. Try to keep Doom as up in the air as possible and be patient you'll win for sure. Bh vs. Cable This is a sadistic match. You'll have to either bequeath God for assistance or hope the guy's Cable is really dumb. You'll have to be up in the air and airdash to confuse Cable to throwing a vb. If you have the opportunity throw Roundhouse demons at Cable. But don't throw them like a maniac. Cable can superjump and ahvb through you demons and smack you in the kisser. Try everytime you above Cable to land a demon on him. Blocking or not blocking this way Blackheart will build meter for the secondary character. I advise no assists in this fight or no getting close to Cable. Blackheart has a really hard time with Cable since he can't really chip in the air. If you hit Cable in the air with Roundhouse demons then infernoxxhodxx. This is a really hard match, but if your lucky you can win. Posted by jlepore on 04:29:2001 05:13 PM: yea i think that is my problem when i play, i'm great with my team but i think i was calling blackheart out in a too predictable manner, i do air dash up and do photons, so i should basically just try to vary assists with sentinel and blacky and sometimes just never call assists and try to make cable lose his meters, i think that sounds good thanks for the help, any more ideas you can give me and what otehr teams i would have trouble with besides a cable team. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:29:2001 05:34 PM: weell if ur playinbg a cable w/ full super be careful to call out assist cuz afterwarsds all of these assists have bad delay...leading to hypere vipers left and call them out udern good circumstances... Posted by Naslectronical on 04:29:2001 08:19 PM: Well, Cable pretty much owns Blackheart. Inferno XX HOD doesn't work because Cable can AHVB in between the two moves. And Blackheart can't call out any assists against Cable because he can't protect them from the AHVB. So he really can't do anything against him. Doom on the other hand has a chance. As long as you stay above him with photons, you can protect Blackheart. Also with the jumping fierce laser. Just make sure you cover your assists the best you can and don't get predictable with the photons or else you'll get AHVB'd. Posted by Sentinel_Nuts on 04:29:2001 08:29 PM: When I play Cable with my Doom/BH I usually dont have that much trouble. I usually just do the jumping fierce while calling BH. Since Cable is pretty tall its easy to keep him locked down with that trap. I also chip him with the photon shots when Im at the top of the screen. If he makes a mistake punish him with the super photon array. Posted by jlepore on 04:29:2001 10:01 PM: ok i am having some good success now with my doom blackheart sentinel team, but now cable does not seem to be the problem, i can basically just keep throwing photons and super him when he misses a ahvb, so i have blackheart pretty well protected now but i am having trouble with cammy and capcom because of their assist, half the time when i just up to do photons cammy will go right through and kick my ass, same with capcoms. is there a way to avoid this, you are all doing a great job helping me a appreciate it, i just need to polish off a few more problems and i think i can start kicking some ass, thanks for the help, fuck cable! Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 04:29:2001 10:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by jlepore my team is doom blackheart sentinel, everytime i play against anyone, especially a cable team, they eat my blackheart alive, what should i do to protect my blackheat and make my team more effective and not allow others to hurt my helpers, any help would be great, thanks. how the hell coul u not beat cable wif it??? i use the same damn team and i own cable don't use Doom/Bh trap...but instead use BH/Doom it's alot safer and does more block damage or u can just whip out Sen/BH! Posted by REALPLAYER on 04:30:2001 01:46 AM: NO NO NO NO!!! I'm telling all of you now! Wavedashing stops Doom/BH EASILY!! The second Doom starts superjumping, wavedash right underneath the photons. The photons travel WAY TO SLOW to keep Cable grounded. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 04:30:2001 02:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey I don't think Cable owns Doom/BH. In fact... I think its the other way around. Doom just stays above Cable and drops photons all day and Cable dies. Don't call BH in predictable patterns so Cable won't know what to do. Sjing with Doom and air dashing upwards to throw photons works very nicely against Cable as most Cable users don't ever think of wavedashing under you and just try to beam you from full screen. If they get under you while you're in sj, try doing a hk to move a little to the other side then drop photons again. Photon array if he tries to do something dumb and if you can get in an air combo XX photon array, Cable is done for. I agree completely. I think Doom/Bh owns cable. My usual pattern would be to call BH, superjump, FP (doom's laser), then rain photons. The idea is to keep BH and Doom at two different places at once (BH on the ground, Doom in the air). Cable can't hit BH because I'll hit him in the air with doom if he doesn. He can't jump after doom because BH will nail him then. In fact, the only way for Cable out of this if for for him to have a wide, AAA, like Cammy's (Cable moves forward as Doom superjumps, then calls Cammy in). Posted by KusanagiClan on 04:30:2001 02:51 AM: Yeah, I don't see how cable can easily beat a doom/bh combination. With any combination of helpers for cable, it's hard to get doom grounded or to even chase doom down with blackheart at doom's side. Wavedashing with cable isn't even that effective, it'll only pester doom for a couple of seconds before he effortlessly superjumps away again. BH/doom against cable on the other hand is a pretty bad idea. Any attempts at a infernoXXhod is an invitation for cable to ahvb you to death, even if cable doesn't ahvb between the two, he could take all the block damage and eat the last hit to get up and ahvb away. Without that, cable is free to chase bh down all day and ahvb-ing any predictable demons. Posted by jlepore on 04:30:2001 02:59 AM: is there a good way for me to protect my doom from a good aaa assist like cammmys for instance, doom always seems to get nailed by that little ho! what can i do? Posted by mondu_the_fat on 04:30:2001 03:55 AM: I haven't found a consistent cure for Cammy's assist yet. I usually end up doing one of two things: Very early sentinel trap. Early in the match while cable has one meter, I try to go for the sentinel trap and try to coax Cable to do a single hyper viper. I even let Doom in for an assist just to bair the hyper viper. Since Cable has only one meter he won't be able to kill Doom outright. At that point I apply the pressure with Sentinel and BH while building meter and letting Doom rest. Of course, I wouldn't dare do this when Cable has two or more levels of super. I also attempt the Doom/BH photon rain even with Cammy/Commando as Cable's assist. I just play a little more randomly and watch Cable's position carefully (so I can tell if the assists he calls in can actually hit me). Sometimes I superjump and just do airblock. Posted by Mephisto on 04:30:2001 06:46 AM: Well basically nevur stay on the ground alwayz try to jump over ur oponent over and over again so they can't hit ur helper that should be ur best best then with BH against cable let him hit u while u blockin a few times and then when he keeps on high jumpin and doing fierce punch and granade just estimate when he's gunna do fierce punch and do his antiair and super Posted by Aoishi2AL on 04:30:2001 02:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by jlepore is there a good way for me to protect my doom from a good aaa assist like cammmys for instance, doom always seems to get nailed by that little ho! what can i do? Just do a fake or airdash diagonally up after they throw out the aaa. Posted by jlepore on 05:01:2001 03:24 AM: also i play the team of cable, sentinel and capcom, i really can't with capcom too much but all i really need him for is his assist, i have been beating up on people pretty bad at the arcade recently, does anyone know any good counter teams to mine. let me know what ya think.... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:01:2001 03:57 AM: BH vs. Cable is not a pretty fight. Here's a nice little tip that works from a full-screen distance: Call assist, Superjump, airdash XX HK demons. Learn to do the airdash on the way up, just above the height of the off the ground AHVB. When you cancel the airdash into the demons, BH travels MUCH further forward than normal. The demons will hit at the spot Cable is at, and BH will land somewhat behind Cable, leaving the assist safe. Kinda hard to visualize. This isn't just the normal BH bullshit. Try it out. -DFA Posted by cow on 05:01:2001 04:20 AM: remember that cable can superjump AHVB and nail doom during his photon shot things... a good cable will super jump when doom does and it's not too easy to to photon rain without forcing cable to remain in guard bread or prevent him from superjumping to doom... Posted by mondu_the_fat on 05:01:2001 10:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by cow remember that cable can superjump AHVB and nail doom during his photon shot things... a good cable will super jump when doom does and it's not too easy to to photon rain without forcing cable to remain in guard bread or prevent him from superjumping to doom... You obviously haven't seen Doom/BH. If you've noticed, the posted solutions for Cable to counter Doom/Bh have _nothing_ to do with superjumping. They all have something to do with dashing forward and nailing Doom/BH with wavedashing or anti-air assist. Why ? Because it's next to impossible for Cable to superjump. If Cable superjumps when Doom does he will be nailed by the BH assist, AHVB or not. Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:01:2001 10:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat You obviously haven't seen Doom/BH. If you've noticed, the posted solutions for Cable to counter Doom/Bh have _nothing_ to do with superjumping. They all have something to do with dashing forward and nailing Doom/BH with wavedashing or anti-air assist. Why ? Because it's next to impossible for Cable to superjump. If Cable superjumps when Doom does he will be nailed by the BH assist, AHVB or not. Yup. Doom also doesn't need to play mindlessly. There isn't a rule that states that if Doom sjs, he MUST throw photons! When I play Doom/BH, I react to my opponent's Cable. Not the other way around. If he takes the inferno hit, I air dash upwards and throw pink shit at him. If he blocks, I throw pink shit without air dashing. If he's the same level as me and I think I'm unsafe... I do NOTHING. If he does his AHVB he waste a level. Simple as that. If he manages to get under me, I just either air dash or press hk(which allows me to call assist although I go into normal jump mode. But its still very useful) and call assist and air dash and throw some more pink shit or whatever. Anytime I don't wanna reach the ground yet, I burn a meter and throw a photon array. Cable will find it a pain in the ass to fight Doom/BH. Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:01:2001 10:42 AM: OK... this is a little off topic... but since it has something to do with Doom/BH, I thought I'd post it here. Let's say you're playing Doom/BH/CapCom and someone picks Iceman to start. What would you guys do? Start with BH/Doom? I'm kinda feeling a little lost now since nothing on with Doom on point can chip Iceman. I usually just do the trap anyhow and my opponent usually fumbles and get hit. But what if he stays blocking everything and has CapCom behind to prevent rushdown? Does Iceman hold the advantage over Doom/BH? I doubt it. I wanna hear your opinions guys. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 05:01:2001 11:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey OK... this is a little off topic... but since it has something to do with Doom/BH, I thought I'd post it here. Let's say you're playing Doom/BH/CapCom and someone picks Iceman to start. What would you guys do? Start with BH/Doom? I'm kinda feeling a little lost now since nothing on with Doom on point can chip Iceman. I usually just do the trap anyhow and my opponent usually fumbles and get hit. But what if he stays blocking everything and has CapCom behind to prevent rushdown? Does Iceman hold the advantage over Doom/BH? I doubt it. I wanna hear your opinions guys. Doom as point can use his rocks to chip, but that kinda sucks. Yeah, I hate it too when I play Doom/BH then someone plays Iceman as point. I usually bring out Sentinel then, but sometimes Sentinel get nailed early, so... At first, I try to keep the trap up. Then when the super bar is at 5 levels I switch to BH as point, then use the raining green demon super (it chips Iceman). or... I play BH as point and Doom as assist. Call B-Doom, Superjump up, rain green demons, airdash backward, rain green demons. I try to do this as fast as possible so that he doesn't see doom spiining with rocks. What happens usually is that: a) Iceman beams upward (usually if he doesn't see Doom assisting). Since his beam cuts through demons. there's a chance for BH to get hit. This is the reason for the air-dash back. if Iceman and BH are at opposite ends of the screen, the beam falls just a _bit_ short. b) Iceman beams forward. Rare, since Doom's rocks can absorb a fair amount of beam hits. If this happens I skip the airdash back so that the first wave of green demons hit. c) Iceman superjumps and beams diagonally. Will hit Doom and make BH's demons miss as well. If he beams horizontally it nails BH. Yuck. If I manage to cower Iceman in the corner, then I go for the rushdown. Superjump towards opponent, rain green demons, land, jump backward while calling B-doom (at which point he'll probably call Capcom assist between rocks to nail B-doom), then I go for the inferno->HOD. Unlikely that I'll damage Iceman much, but sure nails Capcom. Posted by TheGreatest on 05:01:2001 12:56 PM: IT'S EASY TO BEAT CABLE USING DOOM. SEND OUT BLACK AND SUPER JUMP BEAM DASH UP BEAM BEAM REPEAT STEPS. THE GREATEST THONG NGUYEN Posted by Archangel21 on 05:01:2001 02:29 PM: in my opinion i will probably replace blackheart. cuz he's only good with assist that's all i can say Posted by jlepore on 05:01:2001 02:57 PM: also i play the team of cable, sentinel and capcom, i really can't with capcom too much but all i really need him for is his assist, i have been beating up on people pretty bad at the arcade recently, does anyone know any good counter teams to mine. let me know what ya think.... All times are GMT. 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